Foods For Beauty Skin.

Foods friends of the skin; What to eat to be more beautiful. We are what we eat, and also applies for our skin. For a healthy and glowing skin a balanced diet is essential.

The skin is our largest organ, and like the rest of the body is dependent on proper nutrition. Essential fatty acids, antioxidants and minerals such as iron and zinc can help to make us more beautiful.

For a softer skin, eat strawberries, citrus, kiwi, peppers, broccoli. The vitamin C which they contain is vital for the formation and the production of collagen, the protein that supports the structure of the skin. And since the skin aging tends  to decrease its production contribution food helps to relax the skin and reduce the formation of wrinkles.

To stimulate the natural protection from the sun, eat almonds, sunflowers seed, olive oil: all foods rich in vitamin E, essential nutrients for humans and powerful fat-soluble antioxidant. If antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals generated by UV rays, and in that vitamin E is our main ally: the upper layers of the skin contain high levels reinforcing cells.

For a more toned and perfect tan, eat red vegetables, orange and green leaf. Natural tanning, carrots, radishes and spinach are rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene which the body converts into vitamin A, whose effect is the production and cellular exchange. Moreover the carotenoids that may contain to reduce the sensitivity to the sun.

For a youthful appearance consume foods with iron and zinc: food sources of zinc; oysters, white and red meat, different types of seeds and whole grains (wheat germ, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, poppy, pine nuts); Iron is found in meat and fish, in beans, tofu and chickpeas. Antioxidant, zinc contributes to the production of cells and substitution, while the iron is fundamental because the red blood cells take oxygen to the skin.

To combat wrinkles need omega-3 fatty acids exemptions for the integrity of cell membranes. Often referred as vitamin F, are found primarily in fish, in fish oil, shellfish, nuts and vegetable oils. They have anti-inflammatory capacity, against the negative effects of the sun and stress, and combat free radicals, which in fact contribute to aging skin.

To decrease the imperfections consume cereals and whole grain carbohydrates in general: a diet low in glycemic index, no refined foods, can reduce acne. Probably because foods with low glycemic index maintain insulin stable while refined carbohydrates and sugars will cause spikes instead: an effect that can cause pimples.

Finally, although it sounds obvious does not it reiterates enough: for a skin hydrated base is drinking. The cells are composed mostly of water, and if you are dehydrated the effect is seen, with flaking and dryness of the skin. Besides water, the best drink you can consume is green tea, because of its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect. And with the summer we do not lose the opportunity to consume fruits and vegetables rich in water, such as watermelons, melons, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes. Our skin will reward shining.